• I wrote a small stored proc for job monitoring.

    This is usefull when you are not present in office (specially weekends) and you want to know whether all jobs run successfully or not. (even you can file up the output for your auditors)

    i call my proc with 2 params year and month.

    and it gives me a nice overall picture with all SQL jobs.

    Further enhancements for the same would be to include job category.

    Also the current proc does not handle jobs that are multiple times a day.

    so i am in a process where i can alter proc to show output as 3F, 1C, 2S (3 Failures 1 Cancel & 2 Success for that particular Day)

    I will post the new proc when i get time to do that.

    Current Proc is as follows.


    Title: Monthly SQL Server Agent Jobs report

    Script C:\DBA\SCRIPTS\sp_monthly_jobreport.sql

    Purpose: Monthly SQL Server Agent Jobs report

    output to be copied to excel files

    Author: Amit Jethva

    Date Created: 2003-10-28

    Date Last Updated:




    create proc sp_monthly_jobreport ( @year int , @month tinyint )


    select j.name as [JobName], substring( convert(varchar, run_date ) , 7, 2) as [Day] ,

    max( case run_status when 1 then 'S' when 0 then 'F' when 2 then 'R' when 3 then 'C' else 'P' end ) as [Status]

    into #jobs

    from msdb..sysjobhistory h , msdb..sysjobs j

    where j.enabled = 1

    and j.job_id = h.job_id

    and run_date between ( ( @year * 10000 ) + ( @month * 100 ) + 1 ) and

    ( ( @year * 10000 ) + ( @month * 100 ) + 32 )

    and h.step_id = 0

    group by j.name , substring( convert(varchar, run_date ) , 7, 2)

    select JobName ,

    max(case Day when '01' then Status else '' end ) As [01],

    max(case Day when '02' then Status else '' end ) As [02],

    max(case Day when '03' then Status else '' end ) As [03],

    max(case Day when '04' then Status else '' end ) As [04],

    max(case Day when '05' then Status else '' end ) As [05],

    max(case Day when '06' then Status else '' end ) As [06],

    max(case Day when '07' then Status else '' end ) As [07],

    max(case Day when '08' then Status else '' end ) As [08],

    max(case Day when '09' then Status else '' end ) As [09],

    max(case Day when '10' then Status else '' end ) As [10],

    max(case Day when '11' then Status else '' end ) As [11],

    max(case Day when '12' then Status else '' end ) As [12],

    max(case Day when '13' then Status else '' end ) As [13],

    max(case Day when '14' then Status else '' end ) As [14],

    max(case Day when '15' then Status else '' end ) As [15],

    max(case Day when '16' then Status else '' end ) As [16],

    max(case Day when '17' then Status else '' end ) As [17],

    max(case Day when '18' then Status else '' end ) As [18],

    max(case Day when '19' then Status else '' end ) As [19],

    max(case Day when '20' then Status else '' end ) As [20],

    max(case Day when '21' then Status else '' end ) As [21],

    max(case Day when '22' then Status else '' end ) As [22],

    max(case Day when '23' then Status else '' end ) As [23],

    max(case Day when '24' then Status else '' end ) As [24],

    max(case Day when '25' then Status else '' end ) As [25],

    max(case Day when '26' then Status else '' end ) As [26],

    max(case Day when '27' then Status else '' end ) As [27],

    max(case Day when '28' then Status else '' end ) As [28],

    max(case Day when '29' then Status else '' end ) As [29],

    max(case Day when '30' then Status else '' end ) As [30],

    max(case Day when '31' then Status else '' end ) As [31]

    from #jobs

    group by JobName

    drop table #jobs

    -- Amit

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