• Dynamic SQL is the solution.

    Generate the query in your sp and Execute it with EXEC.

    I tried by the following code;

    Declare @Sql varchar(max)

    Set @Sql = 'Select * from ' + @TableName + ' tn

    inner join tis_vs vs on tn.pnref=vs.pnref

    and agentCode '

    if @SubProducerFlag='Y' Set @Sql = @Sql + ' like ''' + @AgentCode + '%'''

    if @SubProducerFlag !='Y' Set @Sql = @Sql + ' = ''' + @AgentCode + ''''

    Set @Sql = @Sql + ' and convert(char(10), vs.txndatetime,126) between ''' + convert(char(10), @StartDate ,126) + '''

    and ''' + convert(char(10), @EndDate , 126) + ''' order by vs.txndatetime '

    Print @Sql

    Exec @Sql

    I hope it will help you. Remember that there are alot of issues regarding string processing like SQL injection.

    Atif Sheikh

    Sometimes, winning is not an issue but trying.
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