• MVP has been a huge success for MS and I'm not sure there's any reason for them to change any part of the program from their perspective.

    From my perspective I can think of a few changes they could make that would add value to the community:

    - Publish a little better set of guidelines on what they are looking for

    - Set term limits. As a suggestion I'd say you can be an MVP for 2 years, then you're automatically out for a year. This would allow for more 'new blood' in the program and insure that they are hearing opinions from more than the same set of MVP's year after year after

    - Include in the MVP Bio why they were selected, something beyond 'passion'

    As far as the guidelines, I'm not privy to them but if you were to research the SQL MVP's you'd find that they fall into a few categories:

    - Well known authors. Get published!

    - PASS volunteers

    - Strong community participants in either user groups or online discussion

    - Other

    Passion probably describes those well and it's subjective by nature, but it would be nice to know that you've got a chance to get in the game if you write x articles, do y forum posts, or speak at z user group events.

    The downside to the MVP is that it's a club, once in no one wants to leave. That in turn could lead to them singing the MS song a bit louder than they might otherwise. Cynical? Perhaps!