• Hi Padmaja, Thank you for posting the code.

    But, I still have a problem while loading the header array. Below is my code

    Public Class ScriptMain

    Sub Main()

    ' Create a package and add a Data Flow task.

    Dim package As Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Package = New Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Package()

    package.PackageType = DTSPackageType.DTSDesigner90

    package.Name = "MySSISPackage"

    'Add Data Flow task

    Dim taskDF As TaskHost = TryCast(package.Executables.Add("DTS.Pipeline.1"), TaskHost)

    taskDF.Name = "DataFlow"

    Dim DTP As MainPipe

    DTP = TryCast(taskDF.InnerObject, MainPipe)

    ' Creating OLEDB Connection Manager

    Dim oleDbConn As ConnectionManager = package.Connections.Add("OLEDB")

    oleDbConn.Name = "MyOLEDBConnection"

    oleDbConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;" & _

    "Data Source=" & Dts.Variables("DestServer").Value.ToString & ";Initial Catalog=" & Dts.Variables("DestDB").Value.ToString & ";Integrated Security=SSPI;"



    'Creating FlatFile Connection Manager

    Dim cnFile As ConnectionManager = package.Connections.Add("FLATFILE")

    cnFile.Properties("Name").SetValue(cnFile, "MyFlatFileConnection")

    cnFile.Properties("ConnectionString").SetValue(cnFile, Dts.Variables("SourceFile").Value.ToString)

    cnFile.Properties("Format").SetValue(cnFile, "Delimited")

    cnFile.Properties("Unicode").SetValue(cnFile, False)

    cnFile.Properties("ColumnNamesInFirstDataRow").SetValue(cnFile, True)

    cnFile.Properties("DataRowsToSkip").SetValue(cnFile, 0)

    cnFile.Properties("RowDelimiter").SetValue(cnFile, vbCrLf)

    cnFile.Properties("TextQualifier").SetValue(cnFile, """")

    cnFile.Properties("HeaderRowsToSkip").SetValue(cnFile, 0)

    cnFile.Properties("HeaderRowDelimiter").SetValue(cnFile, vbCrLf)

    cnFile.Properties("CodePage").SetValue(cnFile, 1252)

    Dim MyFlatFilecn As SSISRuntime.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile90 = Nothing

    MyFlatFilecn = TryCast(cnFile.InnerObject, SSISRuntime.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile90)


    Dim name As SSISRuntime.IDTSName90

    Dim col As SSISRuntime.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn90


    ' Add columns to the FlatFileConnectionManager

    Dim headers As String()

    headers = Split((Dts.Variables("col1").Value.ToString), ",")

    'Dim headers As String() = {"col1", "col2", "col3", "col4"}

    'Get the header row from flat file. This can be stored in a database table as well.

    'Assuming that "headers" Array contains the headers

    Dim i As Integer = 0

    While i < headers.Length

    col = MyFlatFilecn.Columns.Add()

    If i = headers.Length - 1 Then

    col.ColumnDelimiter = vbCrLf


    col.ColumnDelimiter = ","

    End If

    col.ColumnType = "Delimited"

    col.DataType = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.DataType.DT_WSTR

    name = TryCast(col, SSISRuntime.IDTSName90)

    name.Name = headers(i)

    'get the converSion information from the destination table

    'this should assign the appropriate datatype, precision, scale and length to col

    'getConversionInfo(col, name.Name) 'implement this

    i = i + 1

    End While


    'Creating Data Flow which does the actual job of copying the data from flat file to table

    'For that, creating flat file Source

    Dim DFSource As IDTSComponentMetaData90

    DFSource = DTP.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New()

    DFSource.ComponentClassID = "DTSAdapter.FlatFileSource"

    DFSource.Name = "FlatFileSource"

    Dim Sourceinst As CManagedComponentWrapper

    ' Get the design time instance of the component.

    Sourceinst = DFSource.Instantiate()

    ' Initialize the component.


    ' Specify the connection manager.

    'If DFSource.RuntimeConnectionCollection.Count > 0 Then

    DFSource.RuntimeConnectionCollection(0).ConnectionManagerID = package.Connections("MyFlatFileConnection").ID()

    DFSource.RuntimeConnectionCollection(0).ConnectionManager = DtsConvert.ToConnectionManager90(package.Connections("MyFlatFileConnection"))

    'End If

    ' Reinitialize the metadata.



    Dim exOutColumn As IDTSExternalMetadataColumn90

    For Each outColumn As IDTSOutputColumn90 In DFSource.OutputCollection(0).OutputColumnCollection

    exOutColumn = DFSource.OutputCollection(0).ExternalMetadataColumnCollection(outColumn.Name)

    Sourceinst.MapOutputColumn(DFSource.OutputCollection(0).ID, outColumn.ID, exOutColumn.ID, True)



    'Add the OLEDB Destination

    Dim DFdestination As IDTSComponentMetaData90

    DFdestination = DTP.ComponentMetaDataCollection.[New]()

    DFdestination.ComponentClassID = "DTSAdapter.OLEDBDestination"

    DFdestination.Name = "OLEDBDestination"

    Dim DestInst As CManagedComponentWrapper = DFdestination.Instantiate()


    If DFdestination.RuntimeConnectionCollection.Count > 0 Then

    DFdestination.RuntimeConnectionCollection(0).ConnectionManagerID = package.Connections("MyOLEDBConnection").ID()

    DFdestination.RuntimeConnectionCollection(0).ConnectionManager = DtsConvert.ToConnectionManager90(package.Connections("MyOLEDBConnection"))

    End If

    'Set the customproperties of the source

    DestInst.SetComponentProperty("OpenRowset", Dts.Variables("DestTable").Value.ToString)

    DestInst.SetComponentProperty("AccessMode", 0)

    'reinitialize the Component




    'Map a Connection betwen the source and destination

    Dim path As IDTSPath90 = DTP.PathCollection.[New]()

    path.AttachPathAndPropagateNotifications(DFSource.OutputCollection(0), DFdestination.InputCollection(0))

    Dim input As IDTSInput90 = DFdestination.InputCollection(0)

    Dim destinationInputID As Integer = CInt(input.ID)

    Dim vInput As IDTSVirtualInput90 = input.GetVirtualInput()

    For Each vColumn As IDTSVirtualInputColumn90 In vInput.VirtualInputColumnCollection

    ' This will create an input column on the component.

    DestInst.SetUsageType(destinationInputID, vInput, vColumn.LineageID, DTSUsageType.UT_READONLY)

    ' Get input column.

    Dim inputColumn As IDTSInputColumn90 = input.InputColumnCollection.GetInputColumnByLineageID(vColumn.LineageID)

    ' Getting the corresponding external column.

    ' Ex : We will use the column name as the basis for matching data flow columns to external columns.

    Dim externalColumn As IDTSExternalMetadataColumn90 = input.ExternalMetadataColumnCollection(vColumn.Name)

    ' Tell the component how to map.

    DestInst.MapInputColumn(destinationInputID, inputColumn.ID, externalColumn.ID)


    'Validate the package

    MsgBox("Validating the package")

    Dim pkgStatus As DTSExecResult = package.Validate(Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)

    'System.Console.WriteLine("Validationresult: " & pkgStatus.ToString())

    'Save the package

    Dim SSISExe As New Application()

    SSISExe.SaveToXml("C:\temp\MySSISPackage.dtsx", package, Nothing)

    'Execute the package

    If pkgStatus = DTSExecResult.Success Then

    MsgBox("Executing the Package")

    Dim pkgResult As DTSExecResult = package.Execute()

    MsgBox("Package validation success")


    MsgBox("Package Validation failed")

    End If

    End Sub

    End Class

    As you can see in the above code, I have tried to pass the column names into the header array in 2 ways. When I give the column names directly into the array like:

    (Dim headers As String() = {"col1", "col2", "col3", "col4"}) script is going good and the data is loaded into the destination table. But When I am trying to pass the column names using a variable like:

    ( Dim headers As String()

    headers = Split((Dts.Variables("col1").Value.ToString), ","), it throws the following error

    Error: The script threw an exception: Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0010009,DTS_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND

    Please let me know, where am I going wrong