• I ran this script against one of my tables which does not have an identity column and seemed to do okay but with a couple of problems that I think are unrelated to the lack of an identity column.

    The problem is that Sql Server complains abou the syntax of the word "NULL" after the field names in three places, like so:


    @Chop_Date date


    INSERT INTO dbo.ChopDates (



    VALUES (



    UPDATE dbo.ChopDates SET

    Chop_Date = @Chop_Date


    In order to get it to work in my test I had to delete the word "NULL" in all three places, add an "AS" keyword and close the parentheses on Values.

    Shouldn't these be separate procedures? Why both in one? It looks like it will always add and always update. Or is this just to get you going, and you will just split the code up into two procedures?

    I'm a major newbie, so many thanks.

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