• thank you Manu, that's exactly where i got it from. My question is , in the article it says to check for values in the thousands for the CPU, i just wanted to find out how it is counted KB? Another thing, when i run this

    select * from master..sysprocesses

    where status = 'runnable'

    order by CPU


    I get a lot of lastwaittypes SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD

    with cpus from 8k-10k, when i run the


    then i get that is an rpc events, so these indicated that these stored procedures are taking high CPU Processor%?

    Another question,

    yesterday we were having slowness issues in the server and i run this

    select * from master..sysprocesses

    order by CPU


    *without the status filter

    this is what i got:

    CPU :127743

    Status: sleeping

    lastwaittype: MISCELLANEOUS

    programn name: Replication-LogReader


    Could this be the problem? or should i ignore it since the status is sleeping?