• Hugo Kornelis (6/6/2008)


    My assumption on reading the questing was that "account=" is generated by the page, and the rest comes from an input box. The user is supposed to just enter a number, and SQL Server appends that to some statement (so that "account=1" forms the last part of an unfinished SQL stattement).

    In this case, a hacker tries his luck by entering "1;declare @a varchar(1000);set @a=cast(blahblah as varchar(1000));exec(@a)". Though the question could have been worded clearer, this is a great QotD in that it shows that even after doubling quotes and checking for banned keywords, dynamic SQL can still be abused to gain access to the server.

    The part demonstrating the hex encoding was a nice example, but the account=1 part could have used some clarification. This example definitely demonstrates that a developer who allows code like this should be immediately banished to the unemployment line, since the UI is expecting a number ("1") and the user is allowed to enter over 100 characters, many of them non-numeric.