• I see what you're doing.

    You are thinking in terms of if a product has options it needs to have a options table. And that is right as well.

    Here is what I was thinking. I spent all this time defining a products table ( Even though I love to use the AdventureWorks as a temp, you would have to see the rest of my schema to realize that this is not a copy and paste ) and each one of my products that go into the products table can have options. So, I ask myself, "If a product is a product no mater if it is even an option of another product, the GD thing is still a product and options must be defined with the same style entity, because option is a product"

    So why have two table the exact same? This way I can have one table and just define each product at will, and when I notice that the current product has options, "Like a light kit on a fan" then I just do a insert into my tween table.

    ---You can almost look at this as hierarchical, You know? Like the big cup on top of the smaller cup, and a bigger cup on top of that cup.

    ***What you are doing is write, however, you are doing twice the work and you have a bigger table to maintain.

    Now ask yourself, "What if my product's option has product options? My design is complete, your design needs another table.

    And I know this wouldn't work everywhere.


    Dam again!