• metawizard2

    sorry my bad

    the representation is correct the only problem that i for see is where the user has more than one user :

    fkiuser - varuserid - varname - varsurname - varemail - dtlastlogin

    234560 - 012345 - roy - heaney - - 25052008

    fkiuser - varuserid - varname - varsurname - varemail - dtlastlogin

    TS-34560 - 02345 - - heaney - rh@rh.co.za - 10012008

    fkiuser - varuserid - varname - varsurname - varemail - dtlastlogin

    TS-4560 - 01765 - roy - - - 05032008

    the fields listed above are the only fields unique enough to hook on, now we have to merge the data missing from permanaent record from the others keep pki for search to update the learning objects.

    we also have to then update the userdetail table to remove mappings to users merged and remove the unnecsesarry userdetails, aswell as the userprofile table.

    i hope this is clear enough

    thnx a million

    What is common among the user records that you can hook on?

    In your first post you said that you have internal users with scheme:


    and external users with scheme


    So, lets take an actual user, Bob Noodle.

    Bob is an internal employee with ID 12345. He is also an extrnal employee with ID TS-34567.

    Is that a good representation?