• Very interesting as I have been working on doing a similar thing now for a few days. However I needed a Grand Total Column and a Grand Total Row for reporting purposes. I also did not know what the PivotValues would be therefore this all had to be done with dynamic SQL. I too created a temporary table in order to store the data before I pivoted the data. Here is how I did it (Please excuse the smiley's as they automatically were added. where you see a smily it's just a close paren.)

    --Get the Pivot Columns by querying the distinct [Month]& Year values from the query

    Declare @PivotValues as VARCHAR(8000)

    Declare @PivotSum as VARCHAR(8000)

    Declare @PivotTotal as VARCHAR(8000)

    Declare @PivotTypes as VARCHAR(8000)

    Declare @MonthYear as VARCHAR(25)

    Declare @EDATEMM as INT

    Declare @Year as INT

    --Loop over the @YearMonth CURSOR table to build our PivotField Values

    DECLARE YearMonth_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT DISTINCT dbo.MonthMst.[Month] + '-' + CAST(Year([EDATE]) as varchar(4)), EDATEMM, Year([EDATE])

    FROM dbo.MonthMst INNER JOIN

    @MasterSubset AS MS ON dbo.MonthMst.cLngMonthCode = MS.EDATEMM

    Order By Year([EDATE]), EDATEMM

    OPEN YearMonth_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM YearMonth_cursor

    INTO @MonthYear, @EDATEMM, @Year



    --Build the PivotValues to be used in forming the Pivot Statement

    If COALESCE(@PivotValues, '') = ''

    SET @PivotValues = '[' + @MonthYear + ']'


    SET @PivotValues = @PivotValues + ',[' + @MonthYear + ']'

    --Build the PivotTotal for use in forming the Grand Total Column

    If COALESCE(@PivotTotal, '') = ''

    SET @PivotTotal = 'COALESCE([' + @MonthYear + '],0)'


    SET @PivotTotal = @PivotTotal + ' + COALESCE([' + @MonthYear + '],0)'

    --Build the PivotSum for use in forming the Grand Total Row

    If COALESCE(@PivotSum, '') = ''

    SET @PivotSum = 'SUM(COALESCE([' + @MonthYear + '],0))'


    SET @PivotSum = @PivotSum + ', SUM(COALESCE([' + @MonthYear + '],0))'

    --Build the PivotTypes for use in declaring a Table Variable

    If COALESCE(@PivotTypes, '') = ''

    SET @PivotTypes = '[' + @MonthYear + '] INT NULL'


    SET @PivotTypes = @PivotTypes + ', [' + @MonthYear + '] INT NULL'

    -- Get the next YearMonth.

    FETCH NEXT FROM YearMonth_cursor

    INTO @MonthYear, @EDATEMM, @Year


    --Add the Grand Total Column to the PivotValues

    --This keeps us from having to modify the Structure in order to add

    --The Grand Total column

    set @PivotValues = @PivotValues + ',[Grand Total]'

    --We will need to SUM the Grand Total Column in order to build the last value Grand Total


    set @PivotSum = @PivotSum + ', SUM([Grand Total])'

    --Add the Grand Total column to our PivotTypes as this needs to be a column in our Table Variable

    set @PivotTypes = @PivotTypes + ',[Grand Total] INT NULL'

    CLOSE YearMonth_cursor

    DEALLOCATE YearMonth_cursor


    --Stuff our Data into a Temporary table

    --to be used in the dynamic SQL below

    Select [Month] + '-' + CAST([Year] as varchar(4)) AS MonthYear, GroupCol1, GroupCol2, GroupCol3, AggregatCol

    INTO #PivotData


    (Select Month, Year, GroupCol1, GroupCol2, GroupCol3, AggregatCol From DataTable) as DT

    --Now here was the tricky part. Since I didn't know what my pivot columns would be I needed

    --to build dynamic SQL however I couldn't figure out how to get the data to return properly. So

    --I basically created a dynamic stored proc without actually creating a stored proc.

    SET @SQL = 'DECLARE @PivotTable1 TABLE( GroupCol1 varchar(50) NOT NULL,

    GroupCol2 varchar(20) NOT NULL,

    GroupCol3 varchar(20) NOT NULL,

    ' + @PivotTypes + ');

    INSERT INTO @PivotTable1 (GroupCol1, GroupCol2, GroupCol3, ' + @PivotValues + ' )

    Select GroupCol1, GroupCol2, GroupCol3, ' + @PivotValues + '


    (Select GroupCol1, GroupCol2, GroupCol3, ' + @PivotValues + '



    Select MonthYear,GroupCol1,GroupCol2,

    GroupCol3, AggregateCol

    from #PivotData

    ) As Source




    FOR MONTHYEAR IN (' + @PivotValues + ')

    ) As PivotTable) As PT;

    Update @PivotTable1 Set [Grand Total] = ' + @PivotTotal +

    '; Insert Into @PivotTable1 (GroupCol1, GroupCol2, GroupCol3, ' + @PivotValues + ')

    Select ''Grand Total'', '''', '''', ' + @PivotSum + ' From @PivotTable1;

    Select * From @PivotTable1;'

    Exec sp_executesql @sql

    Drop Table #PivotData

    And here are the results:

    GroupCol1 GroupCol2 GroupCol3 January-2007 February-2007 Grand Total


    GroupValue1 Group2Value1 Group3Value1 391 356 747

    GroupValue2 Group2Value2 Group3Value1 356 419 775

    GroupValue3 Group2Value3 Group3Value1 181 181 362

    Grand Total 928 956 1884