Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Create procedure and filter the result RE: Create procedure and filter the result

  • Let me give this a shot. If I understand your post correctly, you are saying you want to use a stored procedure. You're practically there with what you have supplied. I would do the following:

    if object_id('GetResults') is not null

    drop procedure GetResults


    create procedure GetResults

    @PassedCriteria varchar(5) -- i'm just guessing at this length


    declare @sql nvarchar(max)

    declare @params nvarchar(max)

    declare @criteria nvarchar(max)

    set @PassedCriteria = '%' + @PassedCriteria + '%'

    set @sql = 'select Descripcion as Des, CIF as CIF from tabla1 '

    set @sql = @sql + ' where Descripcion like @Criteria '

    set @sql = @sql + ' union '

    set @sql = @sql + ' select Descripcion2 as Des, NULL as CIF from tabla2 '

    set @sql = @sql + ' where Descripcion2 like @Criteria '

    set @params = '@Criteria varchar(5)'

    exec sp_executesql @sql, @params, @Criteria = @PassedCriteria


    -- now test:

    GetResults @PassedCriteria = 'a'

    I hope this is what you're looking for and I haven't missed the mark.
