• In my early days of learning computer languages and databases I depended heavily upon the written word. Books were always important; but online articles, forums and later blogs were the most convenient method of guiding my learning. Now that I have knowledge and experience to share, I feel that it is important to give back in the same method in which I grew.

    The irony of this art is that the more I share my knowledge and experience through writing the more I learn. Since October of last year, I have made a serious effort to write an educational entry at least once a week in my blog. When I first approached this I was not sure if I could come up with something each week. I found that through my daily experience at work, discussions with friends, challenges from fellow SQL/.NET professionals and simple curiosity this effort amazingly fed itself with subjects.

    In addition, I have always enjoyed the act of writing. It is a skill that is important to me to maintain and develop. That is why I explicitly carve time in my week for this purpose.