• Ok just changed the code property to :

    Function ReturnXML(ByVal MultiValueList As Object, ByVal Root As String, ByVal Node As String, ByVal Element As String) As String


    ' Returns an XML string by using the specified values.

    ' Parameters:

    ' MultiValueList - a multi value list from SSRS

    ' Root, Node, Element - String to use in building the XML string


    Dim ReturnString = ""

    Dim sParamItem As Object

    ReturnString = " "

    For Each sParamItem In MultiValueList

    ReturnString &= " "


    ReturnString &= " "

    Return (ReturnString)

    End Function

    now my error is 'parameter '@C' contains an error: [] Name ReturnXML is not declared.

    My dataset Parameter code is: =ReturnXML(Parameters!C.Value,"C","Customer","Customer_Number") - C being the name of the multivalue parameter which is defined as string the the parameter details.