• i would also probably drop the table rather than truncate in this instance. You would then get the same Identity value for each date each time you ran the code.

    I have a question though, isnt there a performance impact of creating dim_time in this way with say a five year end date, as drop downs etc in front ends would be larger than required, and each date would create a null value in the fact table for every measure as the cube processes

    Im thinking we should use code like the example in a slowly changing dimension with code in an if block

    ie if Getdate() >= (select max(date) from DimTime) then

    exec createDates 30(x num) days more data

    an advantage to this is we would never have to revisit the time dimension unless there was a fundamental change like the Fiscal year dates changed and even this would just be a change to the sproc for future dates.