• If the ratio of duplicate to unique phone numbers is "small" AND you have a unique row identifier on the table you might be better off doing something like this...

    If Object_Id('tempdb.dbo.#Tmp') is not Null Drop table dbo.#Tmp

    Create table dbo.#Tmp(RId Int Identity(1,1),Phone VarChar(7))

    Insert dbo.#Tmp Values('1234567')

    Insert dbo.#Tmp Values('9876543')

    Insert dbo.#Tmp Values('1234567') -- dup

    Insert dbo.#Tmp Values('9876543') -- dup

    Select * from dbo.#Tmp

    Delete #Tmp

    from dbo.#Tmp

    join dbo.#Tmp t2 on #Tmp.RId>t2.RId and #Tmp.Phone=t2.Phone

    Select * from dbo.#Tmp

    I have CDO. It's like OCD but all the letters are in alphabetical order... as they should be.