• That's an excellent point about the difference between log shipping and transactional replication - the latter does guarantee transactional consistency. I guess my point was that it isn't the easiest thing (especially if it set to continual replication) to determine exactly *what* that transactionally consistent state is (what made it over there last). Log Shipping is much more primitive, but when talking with business users and upper management it is easier to say "It will have lost 15 minutes of data" than X was the last transaction to get replicated.

    Still, point taken, and a valid one. My stance on Log Shipping vs Transactional replication for DR purposes only is a controversial one. Still, transactional replication used for more than just DR (that would be a secondary or tertiary role) like have it for reporting servers and such is an excellent idea. And it's an excellent technology.

    Thanks for including that point - I think it is important that people understand the pros and cons with each situation. There isn't a definitive answer for most of these topics.