• the SQLCMD utility can discover all the SQLserver instances [that haven't chosen to be hidden]

    so here are some horrible hacks for you ...

    HACK 1 (bad!)

    at the command prompt (ie start run cmd) do

    sqlcmd -Lc

    and then use Notepad to edit each line to become (2 wrapped lines shown here)

    SQLCMD -S svr1-E -Q "select serverproperty('productversion'), serverproperty('productlevel'), serverproperty('edition')"

    SQLCMD -S svr2\SQL2005 -E -Q "select serverproperty('productversion'), serverproperty('productlevel'), serverproperty('edition')"

    HACK 2 (worse!)

    create table #SVRS(instname nvarchar(128))

    insert into #SVRS

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'SQLCMD -Lc'

    select CMD='SQLCMD -S '+instname+' -E -Q "select serverproperty(''productversion''), serverproperty(''productlevel''), serverproperty(''edition'')"'

    from #SVRS

    order by 1

    drop table #SVRS

    and of course you can dream up even nastier cursor-driven examples

    - but handy to massage into a relational table for subsequent querying

