• A couple of issues with the script..

    Lots of hidden ascii spaces, so you can't copy/paste into the query window without doing some find replace...this can be a little easier in notepad...but try to strip out the hidden spaces from the post next time.

    Also, this script only works on objects owned by the dbo schema. It will fail on the sample AdventureWorks DB in SQL 2005 which makes heavy use of schemas on tables.

    Following is the script to populate the db cursor that will work for any owned object (tested in SQL 2005)

    declare db cursor for

    SELECT '[' + s.NAME + '].[' + b.Name + ']' as TableName,

    c.Name as ColumnName

    FROM sys.objects b, syscolumns c, sys.schemas s

    WHERE C.id = b.OBJECT_ID --b.id

    and b.type='u'

    AND c.xType IN (35, 99, 167, 175, 231, 239) -- string types

    AND s.SCHEMA_ID = b.schema_id

    order BY b.name

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