• Very good article. I also agree with John and Steve. IT DOES exist to support the business and all too often IT holds the business hostage due to the technical knowledge and ability to do what's needed. IT is even publically acknowledged to be this way. Who hasn't seen the commercials with the wild little geek showing his boss how to do something and acting outrageous calling him dude and such. Or the one where they pass the sandwich through the ladder of people in the elevator to the boss who gives it to the geek to get his E-mail fixed that day, etc... Burns me up.

    IT should be given its due, no doubt, as the business wouldn't exist in many cases without them, but if more people looked at it the way you represent in your article, I don't believe the division would be so pronounced. Classic case of seeing what's needed from the big picture and acting on it. People representing themselves and acting in a manner such as that very obviously stand out from the crowd and benefit the company in the long run.

    My experience in the area comes from owning a business for roughly three years before selling out (at quite a profit I might add), and 16 years of contracting.

    Kudos to you Show.

    Edited by - scorpion_66 on 12/03/2002 5:03:09 PM