• Hi again,

    Jeff's post about CTE's and derived tables got my looking at your post again even thought I'm sending a new post on building queries.

    I'd like to tell you what I think you are saying so that I can understand the syntax more clearly. Here goes:

    1. Major "Aha" for me on the definition of "alias." I have been very aware of that usage in syntax however did not know it was referred to as alias, e.g.

    USE pubs

    SELECT p.pub_id, p.pub_name

    FROM publishers AS p

    2. Derived tables are result sets used as table sources in a query.

    And then there's the syntax, nicely built by the way, I understand most of it except, please remind me what this line means:

    ON TheTable.Col1 = TheDerivedTable.Col1

    Thanks, u rock...:cool:
