• If these rows make up your entire table, use truncate and you log will not grow.

    Truncate will not work if your table is parent table for others.

    Otherwise you may want to switch to simple logging and use delete-batches for the operation. Your logfile(s) will not grow if you keep these transactions small enough to fit into the current size.

    Declare @BatchSize int

    Set @BatchSize = 5000 -- Modify as needed !!!

    Set nocount on

    declare @RowsDeleted bigint

    Declare @MyRowcount bigint

    set @RowsDeleted = 0

    while 0 = 0


    DELETE top ( @BatchSize )



    set @MyRowcount = @@rowcount

    if @MyRowcount = 0 break

    select @RowsDeleted = @RowsDeleted + @MyRowcount

    -- just to see it advancing ..

    -- % = modulo

    if 0.000 = @RowsDeleted % 100000.000 print convert(varchar(26), @RowsDeleted) + ' - ' + convert(varchar(26), getdate(),121)


    Print '[' + cast(@RowsDeleted as varchar(15)) + '] Rows deleted.'

    Since size does matter, did you consider partitioning this table.

    That way you may be able to just drop a partition of data. (sliding window)

    Check BOL.


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