• Thanks a lot, but actually I send the parameter from the c# code without the ' ' characters, I put the

    set @representative= 'Victaulic' as an example the actual sp is:

    exec SP_SearchByCriteria2 null,null,'BAY ASSOCIATES, INC.',''

    alter proc SP_SearchByCriteria

    @catid int,

    @manuid int,

    @representative varchar(255),

    @sort VARCHAR(255)


    if(@catid is not null and @manuid is not null and @representative !='')


    exec ('

    select me.Member_Id, UPPER(me.Member_Name)as Member_Name, me.Member_City, me.Member_State, me.Member_Fax

    from members me, Manufacturers m, Manufacturers_Categories mc, Categories c, Representations r

    where me.Member_Id = r.Member_Id

    and m.Manufacturer_Id = r.Manufacturer_Id

    and m.Manufacturer_Id = mc.Manufacturer_Id

    AND c.Category_Id = mc.Category_Id

    and c.Category_Id =' + @catid+

    ' and m.Manufacturer_Id=' + @manuid +

    ' and me.Member_Name = '+@representative +

    ' group by me.Member_Id, me.Member_Name, me.Member_City, me.Member_State, me.Member_Fax

    order by me.'+@sort )


    if(@catid is null and @manuid is null and @representative !='')


    exec ('

    select me.Member_Id, UPPER(me.Member_Name)as Member_Name, me.Member_City, me.Member_State, me.Member_Fax

    from members me, Manufacturers m, Manufacturers_Categories mc, Categories c, Representations r

    where me.Member_Id = r.Member_Id

    and m.Manufacturer_Id = r.Manufacturer_Id

    and m.Manufacturer_Id = mc.Manufacturer_Id

    AND c.Category_Id = mc.Category_Id

    and me.Member_Name = char(39)'+ @representative + '+char(39)

    group by me.Member_Id, me.Member_Name, me.Member_City, me.Member_State, me.Member_Fax

    order by me.'+@sort )
