• Glad to see someone brought this up, I must say this is a very important topic Andy.

    After working from a financial institution who had money to blow on DASD and coming to a company which have a limited space and no archiving implemented/designed. A solution had to be developed. I came up with about 3 ways which I think are good enough solutions.

    In this scenario, the company would like to keep the data as far back as they can and only about 3 mths of live/production data. So ...


    First, you could make a copy of the live db and name it arch_db and write to 2 places live db and arch_db. And just do a monthly cull, no worries.

    Second, your developers may not necessarily want to change their code, or some dont even use SPs and use embeded sql in their code. So... if you have no choice, you can use Triggers to keep tab of the changes, deletes, inserts. And apply these to the archive db, nightly, 5 mins or as needed.

    Thirdly, if you're only in the design stage, if you know that the data is going to grow exponentially, you could break up the tables into Months ... therefore it's easier to move old tables into an archive db and searching in the current db is as fast as you have tuned your server.

    Any questions please post, be glad to help and share the codes to my arch procedure.


