• Great article.

    I had used a lot of other development tools - waterfall method, iterative method, extreme programming (it sucked), CMM (capability mature model). So Agile is another one. All these methods are good in theory. I had not seen one worked as well as it supposed to be.

    The management team forgot one thing - the people. Not all everyone agreed to this kind of development method, some dragged their way to do it, some totally ignored it.

    As you said in the article it requires a good team including customers and good communication to make this tool successful.

    I want to ask a question, does anyone work in a company that has a good development team (including project managers and developers) that works on the same goal, has a good relationship with customers and has good communication between the team themselves and other departments?

    I haven't found one yet, maybe just me!! If you do, let me know the company name, I am sending out my resume to that company immediately !:)