• Hi Cory,

    Thats right - you may need to change it to vbCRLF, vbNewLine or whatever the special character happens to be. (If you hit F1 when your cursor is on vbLf you should get a list of all the special character codes). Failing that you could use the actual Character code in the same way that you do with SQL. i.e. Replace vbCrLf with Chr(13) & Chr(10).

    Try putting a message box in the IF clause too and you should be able to see the actual text that is being trapped.

    Msgbox(row.Text) - Alternatively, if that's going to produce too many rows, do something else to the Clean row like concatenating it on the end of an obvious string, then add a dataviewer to the script output and again you should be able to see what rows are affected so you can inspect them more closely.

    Good luck

    Kindest Regards,

    Frank Bazan