• Give this a try. Plese note, it is untested. I don't have your tables or data. It passes a syntax check, but that's all I could do.

    Changes are in red.

    Select D.ConsultantID




    ,B1.FirstName + ' ' + B1.LastName AS SponsorName



    ,ISNULL(CONVERT(CHAR(10),D.CurrentLevelAchieveDate,101),'') AS AchieveDate

    ,ISNULL(Convert(Char(10),D.BumpupDate,101),'') as BumpupDate


    WHEN O.OrderCreateDate Between @QuarterStartDt And @QuarterEndDt THEN O.PartOneTotal

    ELSE 0

    END),0) AS QuarterToDate_total


    WHEN O.OrderCreateDate Between @MonthStartDt And @MonthEndDt THEN O.PartOneTotal

    ELSE 0

    END),0) AS MonthToDate_Total



    ,ISNULL(QuarterVolume,0) AS QuarterToDate_Volume

    ,ISNULL(MonthVolume,0) AS MonthToDate_Volume


    ,ISNULL(r.RepFlag,' ') AS RepFlag

    ,CASE StatusID

    WHEN 'Active' THEN ''

    WHEN 'Home Office' THEN ''

    WHEN 'New, Non Active Consultant' THEN ''

    ELSE StatusID

    END AS StatusID

    ,CONVERT(Varchar(10),D.NACDate,101) as AgreementDate

    ,CASE WHEN @PeriodDate Between @CurrMonthStartDt AND @CurrMonthEndDt THEN 'X'

    ELSE ' '

    END AS ShowFlag

    INTO #DLLevel

    -- not much point in nolock on a temp table. Hint only applies to a single table

    FROM #Downline D with (nolock)

    LEFT OUTER JOIN uvw_DownlineOrder O ON D.ConsultantID = O.ConsultantID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Repromotes r ON d.ConsultantID = r.ConsultantID AND r.repflag = 'X'

    -- Was there a reason for the uvwConsultantDownLine table?

    -- Took it out of the subquery, because it didn't appear to be necessary.

    -- Hence subquery reduced to one table and joined in.

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.consultant AS B1 ON D.SponsorID = B1.ConsultantID

    -- Added from select clause. Merged 2 subqueries into 1, since 1 was a subset of the other


    SUM(v.PartOneTotal) AS QuarterVolume,

    SUM (CASE WHEN V.OrderCreateDate Between @MonthStartDt And @MonthEndDt THEN PartOneTotal ELSE 0 END) AS MonthVolume

    FROM uvw_DownlineOrder V

    INNER JOIN SharedDimension.dbo.DimOrderType AS T ONV.OrderTypeXID = T.XID

    WHERE (T.OrderType != 'Credit')AND V.OrderCreateDate Between @QuarterStartDt And @QuarterEndDt

    GROUP BY ConsultantID) VT ON D.ConsultantID = VT.ConsultantID

    -- Missing brackets here. AND has precedence over OR.

    WHERE ((D.Active = 1) OR (D.DeactivationDate BETWEEN @MonthStartDt AND @MonthEndDt))

    AND r.AchieveLevel >= 4

    -- Might need some modification

    GROUP BY D.ConsultantID ,D.Downlinelevel














    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass