Upgrading from Access to Sql Server2005-vba functions

  • We are in the process of upgrading from MS Access to Sql as there have been instances when records have not been appended and lost due to the very large sized tables.

    I have this function that removes extra misc symbols from a model number field so that the model number can be just plain characters and numbers. I need to know how to convert this function to sql so that I can use it in a view. Do I create a user defined function or a stored procedure and how would I reference it in the view?



    This is the code I have in access:

    Public Function RemvChar(modelNum)

    tmp = modelNum

    If IsNull(tmp) Then tmp = ""

    'tmp = "aa bb-cc/dd\ee" 'model#

    tmp = Replace(tmp, "-", "")

    tmp = Replace(tmp, " ", "")

    tmp = Replace(tmp, "/", "")

    tmp = Replace(tmp, "\", "")

    tmp = Replace(tmp, ",", "")

    tmp = Replace(tmp, "*", "")

    tmp = Replace(tmp, "+", "")

    tmp = Replace(tmp, "#", "")

    tmp = Replace(tmp, "?", "")

    tmp = Replace(tmp, "(", "")

    tmp = Replace(tmp, ")", "")

    tmp = Replace(tmp, "_", "")

    tmp = Replace(tmp, ".", "")

    tmp = Replace(tmp, "”", "")

    tmp = Replace(tmp, "’", "")

    tmp = Replace(tmp, "&", "")

    tmp = Replace(tmp, ";", "")

    newtmp = tmp

    RemvChar = newtmp

    End Function

  • I think you need a Computed Column. Have a look at this article http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/User-Defined+functions/complexcomputedcolumns/2397/

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