Best Replication Strategy for this scenraio ?

  • Hi All,

    We have a Data Warehouse on a SQL 2005 Enterprise 64 bit Clustered SAN Environment. We have a need to maintain a separate database on a separate SAN which has all the same data contained in the Data Warehouse (this includes the Staging Data as well as BI data) but on a rolling 6 month basis (only the most recent 6 months of data). We do have an Inserted Date column on these tables in the DW.

    Would Snapshot Replication be appropriate for this scenario with a filter to pull only the most recent 6 months of data? The Largest tables have about 26 million and 16 million rows, respectively for the most recent 6 months. Does this seem like too much for a Snapshot. Might Transactional be better?

    A few hundred thousand rows are processed daily for these larger tables in batch processing at 6:00 a.m.

    I'm new to replication, so any help would be much appreciated. Our alternative is to create ETL Scripts to handle the Process. Thanks.

  • How big is your dataset (6 months data volume for replication)? Estimate how long it will take for snapshot.

    Does the user needs view the replicated data in real time (close to real time)? or a couple hours delay is fine?

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