Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 General replacing multiple characters in a column RE: replacing multiple characters in a column

  • I ran into this a while back. I came up with a solution, but it is not the best. Create a function in the database that takes one argument (value). It returns a stripped value that removes all non-numeric characters from a varchar string.


    Update [Table] Set [Column] = dbo.fn_StripNONNumeric([Column]) WHERE ISNUMERIC([Column]) = 0

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_StripNONNumeric] (@Value_In varchar(250))

    Returns varchar(250)



    DECLARE @sChar CHAR(1), @Value_Out_stripped VARCHAR(250)

    DECLARE@iStrLen bigint , @iStrPos bigint

    --init variables

    SELECT @iStrPos = 1

    SELECT @Value_Out_stripped = ''

    --get the string length

    SELECT @iStrLen = LEN(@Value_In)

    --loop through the set

    WHILE @iStrPos <= @iStrLen


    --get each character

    SELECT @sChar = SUBSTRING(@Value_In,@iStrPos,1)

    --make sure its between 0-9, A-Z, or a-z

    IF ASCII(@sChar) >= 48 AND ASCII(@sChar) <= 57

    SELECT @Value_Out_stripped = @Value_Out_stripped + @sChar

    --increament counter

    SELECT @iStrPos = @iStrPos + 1


    RETURN @Value_Out_stripped
