• S,


    When a variable is created in SQL with the declare statement it is created with no data and stored in the variable table (vtable) inside SQLs memory space. The vtable contains the name and memory address of the variable. However, when the variable is created no memory address is allocated to the variable and thus the variable is not defined in terms of memory


    This statement appears to make sense to me. However I can only speak from a logical programming standpoint:

    -There is a table to hold references to variables for the declare statement (vtable)

    - vtable -



    - Since a table can contain nulls it would stand that the vtable can have nulls for MEMORY ADDRESS.

    - When a variable is created with a declare statement the vtable gets the NAME you gave it and a null for the MEMORY ADDRESS ??? (needs verification, I dont know if this is true)



    | ID | NULL |


    - When a variable is assigned a value THEN it gets a memory address that points to that value. ??? (needs verification, I dont know if this is true)



    | ID | 9001232412321 |


    Again this is subjectory siince I am a SQL NEWB and am only writing this from reading the statement you have posted above. But it would seem to be the case.