• GilaMonster (1/28/2008)

    How big are the tables in question? How many pages do the indexes take up (visible in sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats)

    Edit: btw, a separate update statistics is not necessary (and may even be counter productive) if you're doing an index rebuild. When the index gets rebuilt, the stats get updated as if an update stats with full scan was run.

    Gila, I was always under the same impression until I had several phone conversations with Microsoft revolving around performance issues we experienced. Two different SQL Server support techs informed me that issuing a DBCC DBREINDEX, ALTER INDEX REBUILD/REORGANIZE, will NOT update the statistics with fullscan. They recommended having a separate task in our maintenance scripts to update the statistics.

    Now I'm curious ... It wouldn't be the first time Microsoft has given me faulty information.