• <asp:DetailsView ID="dvInfo" runat="server" DefaultMode=ReadOnly AutoGenerateRows="False"

    DataSourceID="dsKeyContact" HeaderText="Review the info and make the necessary change" DataKeyNames="HID"

    Width="692px" OnItemUpdated="dvInfo_ItemUpdated" OnDataBound="dvInfo_DataBound" Font-Bold="True" Font-Size="Large">

    <asp:DropDownList id="dpBusUnit" runat="server"


    DataTextField="BusUnit" DataValueField="BusUnit"


    <asp:DropDownList id="dpDept" runat="server"


    DataTextField="Dept" DataValueField="Dept"


    <asp:CustomValidator ID="ValidPhoneLength" runat="server" ControlToValidate =txtOfficePhone ClientValidationFunction="ValidPhoneLenght"

    ErrorMessage="The length of the phone should not more than 10">*

    <asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="vrREmail" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Check the email again. It must contain @" ControlToValidate =txtEmail



    SelectCommand="SELECT [HName], [Title], [BusUnit], [Department], [OfficePhone], [Mobile], [Pager], [Home], [AlternatePhone], [Email], [LastUpdate], [HID] FROM [KeyContactPhone] WHERE ([HID] = @HID)"

    UpdateCommand="UPDATE KeyContactPhone SET Title =@Title, HName =@HName, BusUnit =@BusUnit, Department =@Department, OfficePhone =@OfficePhone, Mobile =@Mobile , Pager =@Pager, Home =@Home, AlternatePhone =@AlternatePhone, Email =@Email WHERE ([HID] = @HID)" ProviderName="


    SelectCommand="SELECT Dept from Dept order by Dept " ProviderName="


    SelectCommand="SELECT BusUnit from BusUnit order by BusUnit " ProviderName="

    When you open SQL Server's "Server Network Utility" what protocols are enabled? It sounds like you need Named Pipes enabled as that is what your error message is complaining about. I have TCPIP and Named Piples enabled.

    The 'remote access is set up as 1 already.

    You said that


    works, but



    What I tried to say is the web server did not have problem to display the web site.

    Here is my aspx code. The query string should not be issue. Since


    will show the result as I expected.