ssis package configuration

  • could anybody help me how to configure dynamic my ssis package to all environment like development, QA, production

    my ssis package functionality creating a text file from a table.

    i need to figure how to create the package config file dynamic to all environment

  • You could place the file location information in a xml file or a sql table, using a package configuration to retrieve the information into a variable. You could then use a property expression to set the value of the file location with the variable. When you change the file location info info in the xml file or sql table, it will propagate to the package everytime it is loaded and run.


  • Can someone please post an example on how exactly to implement changing configurations dynamically? I have about 350 packages that I need to run first on test and then on production. Is there a way to do it for all the packages at the same time? I have a sqlserver table set up with a list of all the production and test connection strings.

  • Padma-1078840 (12/21/2011)

    Can someone please post an example on how exactly to implement changing configurations dynamically? I have about 350 packages that I need to run first on test and then on production. Is there a way to do it for all the packages at the same time? I have a sqlserver table set up with a list of all the production and test connection strings.

    Please start a new thread instead of hijacking an old one.

    Regarding your question, you can maybe automate it with .NET, but you better have some strong coding skills.

    Another option is that you do not include the package configuration directly in the package, but that you provide an XML config file at runtime when you launch the package. All you have to do is create valid XML config files for each package using the values that are inside your table.

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  • How do your environments differ? for example do your DEV, TEST, PROD environments all exist on different servers? In that case its probably easiest to use an environment variable to point at different configuration databases.

  • SSIS Package Configuration types are XML, SQL Server, Environment Variable,Registry Entries and Parent Package Variables.

    Security Maintainability Portability

    XML: NO No yes

    SQL Server: Yes yes No

    Env. Variable: NO No -

    Reg.Entry: NO No -

    Parent Package is used to pass variables value from one package to other and is independent from changes in environment

    So by this we can configure the packages according to our need and personally I prefer XML and SQL Server configuration...

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