• Hello, Janet,

    There's an old saying: "A fish rots from the head on down." Dysfunctional organisations are usually that way because the people at or near the top of them are poor leaders and managers.

    Capitalism has many advantages, but it's not very democratic, and you and your colleagues unfortunately can't vote the rascals out. So here are your options:

    1. Outlast them. A variation on the "sit down, shut up and hang on" bumper-sticker philosophy. Not a lot of fun, but nothing lasts forever, including bad management (although it may often seem otherwise).

    2. Leave them. Find greener pastures - and as a previous poster suggested, ask good interview questions so you can better see just how green a particular new pasture might be. Potential problems: sometimes you find out after the fact the new place really isn't an improvement on the old; or that the person at the top who made it a good place to work in turn leaves, and is replaced by Darth Vader on your watch.

    3. Become a consultant. This might be the best of all worlds. You usually get paid well, your advice gets listened to respectfully (although little may be done with it later on), and you are freed from much of the political nonsense in which the permanent staff too often is immersed. Plus, you get a chance to see how the organisation works; inside information like that is really valuable, should you later consider seeking permanent employment at the place.

    Remember, too, that Oz doesn't exist in reality; there is no Great Good Place which is the perfect company to work in. There are always trade-offs, and you need to decide what's most important to you, and what you can tolerate. Happy hunting!
