1: Where's the code gone? 2: Dumb question 3: Earlier Versions of SQL Server and VS

  • Hi, what a fantastic article! There are just three small problems;

    1. I just clicked the link that says "The source for the C# assembly can be downloaded here." , which points to http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/SS2K5+-+CLR+Integration/geocodingwithsqlserver2005/2373/YahooGCSQL.txt

    However, I got an error that says the page could not be found :crying:

    2. I have a dumb question: I just read Zootie's post, which appears to provide an alternative C# code assembly under "Function Assembly Code", and code to create the necessary functions under "SQL Installation". But I can't figure out what is the following code for:

    insert tmpAddressGeocode













    select top 100




    dbo.AddressTbl addr with (NoLock)

    left join tmpAddressGeocode alldone with (NoLock)

    on alldone.AddressGuid = addr.AddressGuid

    cross apply dbo.fncGeocodeByAddress (

    addr.StreetAddress1 + coalesce (' ' + StreetAddress2,''),




    'YahooDemo' ) gc


    alldone.AddressGuid is Null

    Can anyone tell me?

    3: Is it possible to use Corey Bunch's ORIGINAL code with earlier versions of SQL Server and Visual Studio?

    Sorry for the dumb questions folks!


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