• You have displayed a mirriad of "BASIC" problems that would never ever get you in my company.

    I would advice you to actually check yourself a bit because many of your statements are not only wrong but also include a total lack of personal skills. If you are a "DBA" you seriously need to get traning really fast.

    Good luck,

    Seems like the companies that go "bankrupt", such as the one you previously mentioned, are the ones I want to avoid in the first place.

    Believe me, I don't want to be in your company as it sounds like more "personal skills" are needed there (i.e. don't say anything negative to hurt anyone's feeling, but it's OK that the company goes bankrupt, just as long as we don't question what's wrong.)

    I can just tell that this "personal skills" requirement is what happened with the contractors that hired to build the FBI's virtual case file....and maybe, Enron and Aurthur Anderson. and what about those credit card companies that lose the personal data, or JetBlue reservation system that couldn't handle surge in traffic from a snow storm pileup.....Well, there is certainly not enough room to name even a few of those I.T. failures, BUT as you can see, that 70% I.T. failure rate is pretty low, IMO.

    Some people just have to learn the hard way, if that.