• Bob, I hope you were just being funny, and not totally unsympathetic to the plight of people who would really like to telecommute for some portion of their work-week.

    What I would LIKE to see in this forum are some people who have success stories about what they did to convince thier employers that tele-commuting makes sense. (Consultants don't count - there are plenty of examples there.)

    As far as tax-incentives go, it's great that some cities in the country have started doing this. But the company still has to want to do it. I am concerned that a lot of companies would still see it as a lot of trouble to make a handful of employees happy. (Even though it seems it would be easy enough to implement without incentives!!)

    As a side note, our department recently interviewed someone for a developer position, and that person was clearly disappointed to hear that we didn't offer the ability to tele-commute. When it comes to filling this position with the best person, we could lose out.