Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Development UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint RE: UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint

  • You have supplied us a tremendous lack of detail to supply a definitive answer, but thanks to your somewhat convoluted naming convention, I can make a guess. There are five columns among all the ones being updated, named "vsl_prt_{First|Second|Third|Fourth|Fifth}PortID_fk". I'm guessing these are foreign keys to the tb_lkpports_prt_fsh table. Any of the new values being updated here must already exist in the "id" column of that table -- or be null. Examine those values and check against the tb_lkpports_prt_fsh table.

    Tomm Carr
    Version Normal Form -- http://groups.google.com/group/vrdbms