• Steve Coleman (9/28/2007)

    Sorry but I couldn't see the whole example. The scroll bars on the example did not work.



    It looks like this...

    -- Declare some local variables. Actually, we are creating a pair of variables

    -- for each column included in our WHERE clause.

    -- The first variable represents the value we are filtering and the second

    -- represents the "operator" for the filter.

    declare @companyName varchar(255)

    declare @companyNameOp varchar(2)

    declare @country varchar(255)

    declare @countryOp varchar(2)

    -- Let's set some sample values now. The values you see here represent the second

    -- of the two scenarios described above, i.e. all records for companies located in Germany,

    -- excluding companies starting with the letter A

    -- Operators are defined here with arbitrary, two-letter values.

    -- Of course you could define your own set of operators, with different

    -- naming conventions. For our example, here's the meaning of each possible

    -- value:

    -- ne = not equal

    -- eq = equal

    -- bg = begins with

    -- ed = ends with

    -- ct = contains

    -- For our example, we are using only varchar fields in our WHERE clause.

    -- It is very easy, though, to define operators for other data types as well.

    set @companyname = 'A%'

    set @companynameOp = 'ne'

    set @country = 'Germany'

    set @countryOp = 'eq'

    -- Ok, now let's form our query.


    customerid, companyname, country




    case @companyNameOp

    when '' then 1 -- Operator not defined, get everything

    when 'eq' then -- Operator is "equals"

    case when companyname like @companyName then 1 else 0 end

    when 'bg' then -- Operator is "begins with"

    case when companyname like @companyName +'%' then 1 else 0 end

    when 'ed' then -- Operator is "ends with"

    case when companyname like '%' + @companyName then 1 else 0 end

    when 'ct' then -- Operator is "contains"

    case when companyname like '%' + @companyName +'%' then

    1 else 0 end

    when 'ne' then -- Operator is "not equal"

    case when companyname not like @companyName then 1 else 0 end end =1


    -- Same approach for the second field

    case @countryOp

    when '' then 1

    when 'eq' then

    case when country like @country then 1 else 0 end

    when 'bg' then

    case when country like @country +'%' then 1 else 0 end

    when 'ed' then

    case when country like '%' + @country then 1 else 0 end

    when 'ct' then

    case when country like '%' + @country +'%' then 1 else 0 end

    when 'ne' then

    case when country not like @country then 1 else 0 end

    end =1

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.