• Myself, I've isolated my personal blog/email from my job application process (not that I'm doing that right now). I don't want my employer looking at my blog before I'm hired as I have some strong political opinions that they may or may not agree with, so I bought a vanity domain name and use an email address through there, forwarded to my normal email, for all job applications. My vanity site has my resume and will shortly have a CMS system so that I can post cool stuff that I discover or write in SQL Server.

    So let 'em find my personal site, let 'em find my posts here at SQL Server Central. They won't be able to link to my personal blog through there.

    Two things drove me to do this. First, getting ridiculous amounts of spam from Monster, Dice, etc. Second, a friend of mine lost out on a tech writing job for a major national radio show because of some content in his blog.

    Isolation for me, baby!

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]