• First, let me say "Thank You!" for your timely article, which is just in time to help me with my next project.  I do have one thought about your solution to searching on the value in an encrypted field.  You state the issue as "We can't simply add a DecryptByKeyAutoCert(...) = @param clause to our WHERE clause and expect decent performance".  This would certainly cause every record to be scanned and the field to be decrypted to determine if there is a match. 
    However, since the result of encrypting a specific phrase or sequence of characters will always return the exact same encrypted value, you reverse the issue:  encrypt the @param, which will yield a value that you can directly compare against the stored values in the table.  This only works when the WHERE clause is "=" on "IN (@ParamEncrypted1, @p=ParamEncrypted2,...) , and would not work for any other comparison, such as "<", ">", or in a "LIKE " clause.  However, for fields like SSN or Credit Card numbers, this would be perfectly acceptable.
    I admit that I have not tried this, but I don't know of any reason it wouldn't work.  For example, assuming @param is declared as varchar(16):
    --symmetric key approach; need to open the key once per session

    open symmetric key MyKey decryption by certificate MyCert;

    DECLARE @ParamEncrypted varbinary(68);

    SET @ParamEncrypted = EncryptByKey(Key_GUID('MyKey'), @param)

    select * from MyTable where EncryptedText = @ParamEncrypted
    Again, thank you for your time in preparing this article.  You have already saved me a ton of experimenting to see what might work.