• Jim, all "code" is done in VB.NET. The object "Dts" is created for you by the code designer and is used in Script Tasks ONLY! Do not use this object in a Script Component in the DataFlow, well, because you won't even find it. Instead, for Script Components, use the keyword "Me" (ex. Me.Variables).

    Anyway, nice article. I too have been using SSIS for things that are only 20% reliant on SQL Server. For example, I am working on a package that downloads all the Census Bureau data files and then imports them into a relational database. I found that downloading the 12GB of hundreds of files manually was obviously tedius! I have a Package now that downloads all the files, extracts the ZIP files, and then for archiving re-compressing all files (per State) into a RAR archive.

    These tasks are something that would have taken months to do in a standard program. I know, because I embarked on it...