Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Round to Even (aka Banker''s Rounding) - The final function RE: Round to Even (aka Banker''''s Rounding) - The final function

  • Certainly.  This uses Double Precision, which I've never heard of in T-SQL until recently, but it still has trouble with certain values. 

    Although it does pass the following, which Lynns doesn't until you change the decimal data type to Double Precision. 

    select 100000000.01 / 800000000.01, 

           dbo.fn_Bround(100000000.01 / 800000000.01,100), --mine

           dbo.fn_Bround2(100000000.01 / 800000000.01,2),  --Lynns

           Round(100000000.01 / 800000000.01,2)

    select cast(1 as float) / cast(8 as float),

           dbo.fn_Bround(cast(1 as float) / cast(8 as float),100), 

           Round(cast(1 as float) / cast(8 as float),2)

    I've not bothered with 2/3 as we both know what that will do.


                  (@p1 DOUBLE PRECISION,

                   @p2 INT)



    Round-to-even method (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rounding)

    This method is also known as unbiased rounding or as statistician's rounding or as bankers' rounding.

    It is identical to the common method of rounding except when the digit(s) following the rounding digit

    start with a five and have no non-zero digits after it. The new algorithm is:

        * Decide which is the last digit to keep.

        * Increase it by 1 if the next digit is 6 or more, or a 5 followed by one or more non-zero digits.

        * Leave it the same if the next digit is 4 or less

        * Otherwise, all that follows the last digit is a 5 and possibly trailing zeroes;

          then change the last digit to the nearest even digit. That is, increase the rounded

          digit if it is currently odd; leave it if it is already even.

    With all rounding schemes there are two possible outcomes: increasing the rounding digit by one or

    leaving it alone. With traditional rounding, if the number has a value less than the half-way mark

    between the possible outcomes, it is rounded down; if the number has a value exactly half-way or

    greater than half-way between the possible outcomes, it is rounded up. The round-to-even method is the

    same except that numbers exactly half-way between the possible outcomes are sometimes rounded up—sometimes down.

    Although it is customary to round the number 4.5 up to 5, in fact 4.5 is no nearer to 5 than it is to 4

    (it is 0.5 away from either). When dealing with large sets of scientific or statistical data, where trends

    are important, traditional rounding on average biases the data upwards slightly. Over a large set of

    data, or when many subsequent rounding operations are performed as in digital signal processing, the

    round-to-even rule tends to reduce the total rounding error, with (on average) an equal portion of numbers

    rounding up as rounding down. This generally reduces the upwards skewing of the result.

    Round-to-even is used rather than round-to-odd as the latter rule would prevent rounding to a result of zero.


        * 3.016 rounded to hundredths is 3.02 (because the next digit (6) is 6 or more)

        * 3.013 rounded to hundredths is 3.01 (because the next digit (3) is 4 or less)

        * 3.015 rounded to hundredths is 3.02 (because the next digit is 5, and the hundredths digit (1) is odd)

        * 3.045 rounded to hundredths is 3.04 (because the next digit is 5, and the hundredths digit (4) is even)

        * 3.04501 rounded to hundredths is 3.05 (because the next digit is 5, but it is followed by non-zero digits)

    -- =============================================

    -- Example to execute function

    -- =============================================

    SELECT dbo.fn_BRound (282.26545, 100) -- 100 to nearest penny, 20 to nearest 5 pence, 10 to nearest 10 pence,

                                          -- 5 to nearest 20 pence, 2 to nearest 50 pence, 1 to nearest pound/dollar/euro

            Code (poorly?) converted from VB example @ http://support.microsoft.com/kb/196652





                 @FixTemp DOUBLE PRECISION


        SELECT @Temp = @p1 * @p2


        --This is the closest I can get, but it is still wrong for certain values

        SELECT @FixTemp = SIGN(@Temp + 0.5 * SIGN(@p1)) * FLOOR(ABS(@Temp + 0.5 * SIGN(@p1)))


        -- Handle rounding of .5 in a special manner

        IF @Temp - FLOOR(@Temp) = 0.5


            IF @FixTemp / 2 <> FLOOR(@FixTemp / 2)  -- Is Temp odd

              -- Reduce Magnitude by 1 to make even

              SELECT @FixTemp = @FixTemp - SIGN(@p1)



        RETURN @FixTemp / @p2







    /* Lynns Function is here as a sense check */


    ALTER FUNCTION dbo.fn_Bround2

                  (@TestValue DECIMAL(38,12),

                   @pos       INT)




        RETURN ROUND(@TestValue,@pos,CASE

                                       WHEN (NULLIF(ROUND(@TestValue * POWER(CAST(10 AS DECIMAL(38,12)),@pos),

                                                          0,1),ROUND((@TestValue * POWER(CAST(10 AS DECIMAL(38,12)),@pos)) / 2,

                                                                     0,1) * 2) IS NOT NULL)

                                             OR (NULLIF(ROUND((@TestValue * POWER(CAST(10 AS DECIMAL(38,12)),@pos)),

                                                              0,1),ROUND((@TestValue * POWER(CAST(10 AS DECIMAL(38,12)),@pos)) / 2,

                                                                         0,1) * 2) IS NULL

                                                 AND (@TestValue * POWER(CAST(10 AS DECIMAL(38,12)),@pos)) - ROUND((@TestValue * POWER(CAST(10 AS DECIMAL(38,12)),@pos)),

                                                                                                                   0,1) > .5) THEN 0

                                       ELSE 1





    Dave J

    "I don't know what I don't know."