• below a function I have been using in a App. Its quite similar to yours. Its fast as it only loops in memory and does not require temp tables. as usual usage examples are in the remarks on the top of the function. The input string size is 4000 characters, therefore it can only return an ascii string of 2000 characters ie 1/2 the size passed in. secondly, if the string passed in is of an odd length, it left pads a 0 before iterating so that it does not crash


    create function Hex2String(@strHex as nvarchar(4000))

    returns nvarchar(2000)




      Function  : Hex2String

      Author     : Pratap J Prabhu

      Syntax    :

       >  select dbo.Hex2String('6566676869')

       >  declare @strHexString  nvarchar(4000)

          declare @strReturnedString   nvarchar(4000)

          set @strHexString      ='65666768'

          set @strReturnedString = dbo.Hex2String(@strHexString)

          print @strReturnedString

      Purpose     : passed a hexadecimal encoded string this function returns a Ascii string

      Limitations : Max input Hex string size = 4000 characters

                                      Max string size returned  = 2000



     declare @cChar     char(1)

     declare @nDeciVal  int

     declare @cHexBit1  char(1)

     declare @cHexBit2  char(1)

     declare @strRetVal  nvarchar(2000)

     declare @iLoop   smallint


     set @strRetVal=''

     set @strHex = ltrim(rtrim(isnull(@strHex,'')))

     if @strHex<>''


      -----   Hex numbers should always have a even length, so lets make it so

      if (round(len(@strHex)/2,0)*2)<>len(@strHex)

       set @strHex='0'+@strhex

      -----   Now loop down the length of the HexString handling 2 bits at a time

      set @iLoop=1

      while @iLoop <len(@strHex)


       set @cHexBit1=substring(@strHex, @iLoop  , 1) -- The First Bit

       set @cHexBit2=substring(@strHex, @iLoop+1, 1) -- the second bit

       -- Convert the First Hex Bit value to its equivalent Decimal Value

                            -- Multiplying by 16 as its in the 10s place

       if @cHexBit1>=0 and @cHexBit1<=9

        set @nDeciVal=convert(int,@cHexBit1)*16


        set @nDeciVal=convert(int,ASCII(@cHexBit1)-ASCII('A')+1) * 16


       -- Convert the second Hex Bit value to its equivalent Decimal Value

                            -- do not Multiply by 16 as its in the units place

       if @cHexBit2>=0 and @cHexBit2<=9

        set @nDeciVal=@nDeciVal+convert(int,@cHexBit2)


        set @nDeciVal=@nDeciVal+(ASCII(@cHexBit2)-ASCII('A')+1)


       -- Store the Ascii Value

       set @strRetVal=@strRetVal+ char(@nDeciVal)

       set @iLoop=@iLoop+2 -- continue to the next character ie the next 2 Hex Bits



     return (@strRetVal)

