• Hello Andy,

    Yes, the mini-review format is useful. Frankly, I am happy to see any discussion of SQL books.

    Something I have noticed is that SQL books are extremely expensive on average. Most cost 30-40 dollars (US) and some go as high as $60. So any advice on what each book offers from someone who's trying to be as objective as possible can only help us.

    Having said that, I think this book has been useful to me as someone who has recently become a DBA and who is learning SQL 2005 after years of SQL 2000:

    SQL Server 2005 DBA Street Smarts

    Joseph L. Jorden

    SQL Server 2005 DBA Street Smarts - Amazon link

    It covers a lot of the main features of SQL 2005 and has a step-by-step format that I found very helpful for someone new to SQL 2005. In fact, the step-by-step format used should be applied to other books, in my opinion. The exercises are well organized with the scenario, scope of the task, procedure steps, and criteria for completion neatly laid out.

    I'd be interested in your opinion of the book if you have not posted it already.




    A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"
    Ref.: http://tkyte.blogspot.com/2009/02/sql-joke.html