• Frank,

    You continue to argue with yourself.  Again, pay disparities because of hours worked are not at issue.

    You're also arguing with the author of the article that you referenced when you claim that women are paid the same as men for the same job, same hours, etcetera. ("What about the headlines saying that even when their jobs are the same, men get paid more than women? Isn't that especially true in corporate America? Yes.")  In addition, you're contradicting the results of the Dice survey which was original topic of Steve's post, and you're contradicting U.S. Department of Labor statistics:


    After reading the informative summary in this pdf, you might want to navigate to page 8 to see how, occupation after occupation, women are paid substantially less than men.

    As for the answer to your question, you'll have to ask the people who make such decisions.  I, for one, provide equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender.  I can't speak for those who don't.