• Hi there,

    Nice article - I wasn't aware of the need to create objects to represent your classes - I had previously just went for the myClass.myFunction method and this seemed to find the classes successfully.

    I have previously managed to get a custom code DLL registered and working with a report designed in Report Designer.

    However, this was using single variables (mainly ints). What I am now attempting to do is pass in a comma delimited string of int values ("1,2,3") etc and I am encountering difficulties. I am using the same assembly as is already working and the code compiles in Report Designer, indicating that the report can find the method specified so I don't think it's a problem there.

    Is there a problem with the way I am supplying the data? I have set the comma delimited string as the source of a multi-value string parameter for use in a query.

    I only get "An error coccurred during local report processing. Error during processing of "myParameter" report Parameter".

    Any ideas would be most welcome.

