•    Even with parameterized queries, new SQL Injection techniques can still work. My point, however, was that in general one should never rely on client-side validation alone. This includes even pages that do no data access, but use client-side validation or calculation for other purposes. Client-side validation (or calculation) is icing on the cake, and should always be backed up by server-side validation and/or calculation. It’s not just a matter of stopping SQL Injection attacks. It’s a matter of, for instance, preventing a user from overriding the calculated total on a shopping cart, and getting a whole shipment of PlayStation 3s for 1¢ at your client’s expense (and likely yours as well once said client rightly sues your @$$ into a bankruptcy black hole).

       I’m well aware that IIS sits between the Web Browser and SQL Server, and acts as both Client to SQL Server and Server to the Web Browser. I’m not stupid. As for the [Ctrl]+[A] [Ctrl]+[C] thing, I normally do do that. I just forgot that time.

       Thanks for mentioning proper parameter types and sizes. Yes, that does prevent truncation error messages, but if you don’t also warn the user about the proper length, or prevent said user from accidentally entering more text into a TextBox than the database field can hold by using MaxLength backed up by validation, the user might get ticked upon finding his or her nice long entry truncated without warning. Imagine if this Forum had a 255-character-per-post limit that it neglected to warn us about.