• Point taken. The 80 rows was due to that being the almost maximum that could fit on one page, so the bookmark lookup would only need to read 1 page rather than 80 pages if the avatar was include in row.

    If in your last point about changing the clustered index, a user could end up in the siuation where they filter on dateOfBirth and join to another table on personID i.e

    SELECT Address.AddressLine1 ...

    FROM Address

    JOIN Person on Address.PersonId = Person.PersonId

    WHERE Person.DateOfBirth BETWEEN '1 jan 1973' and '1 Feb 2006'

    The inclusion of the Avatar in row would really screw performance. If you have a clustered index, changing it from the PK is something that should be done with very careful consideration. Especially in SQL 2000 where you can't include columns in an index at the leaf level.


    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP
