• The approach my company uses is very handy for our application.
    All tables, functions and stored procs start with a 3 letter abbrevation of the system its related to, for example acc for accounting, aut for authentication, inv for inventory, nws for the news/forum system, npc for the Non player characters system, etc.
    To give an example of a the relationship between tables and procs, we have a table for agent research, the table is called agtResearch. The proc to start research is called AgtResearchStart. So the procs are usually named after the main table they interact with+the operation you are performing. We also, for sorting purposes mostly, add an X before the name of procs that are rarely used or are only used for administrative purposes and procs and tables only inteneded for DBAs have names starting with ZDBA, the Z for sorting purposes and DBA to indicate that its a DBA only proc.
    We have almost 1900 stored procs and this system is very handy to get an overview of what the stuff does. If you want to find out what you do to create a new item, just search our DB script repository for "CREATE PROCDEURE dbo.InvItem" and you'll get all inventory related procs.